WordPress Themes by Gorilla Themes

Featured Content Gallery and No Custom Fields Policy

picture-14As you may have noticed, our new Tribal theme features the extremely popular Featured Content Gallery Plugin by iePlexus, this plugin is used to display a very nice slideshow of images with an overlaying transparency  on top with title and excerpt for each article selected to be  featured  in this section of the website.

Until the release of Tribal and the launch of Gorilla Themes,  the only option for displaying images in this slideshow plugin was to create a custom field titled “articleimg” and input the link url to your image.

We wanted to include this great script in our themes but it was conflicting with our decision of eliminating custom fields to make life easier for our customers.

Gorilla Themes modified the plugin with custom code so our beloved customers never had to fight again with frustrating setup.

We think blogging should be easy as uploading a picture to your article, click publish and the software will take care of the rest with image resizing management and title-excerpt display and that is exactly what you will do with the modified version of the Featured Content Gallery plugin that we provide with the themes, the only extra step that you need to perform is to file your article in the pre-selected category  where you will be displaying all the posts for the slideshow.

Sounds easy?…you bet!

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